Wireless Keyboard vs Numeric Keypad - Which is Better for Data Entry?

April 14, 2022

Wireless Keyboard vs Numeric Keypad - Which is Better for Data Entry?

Are you someone who spends hours typing away on the computer? Do you need an efficient and speedy way to enter data? Well, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will compare wireless keyboards and numeric keypads to help you decide which one is better for data entry.

Wireless Keyboard

Wireless keyboards are becoming more popular nowadays due to their convenience and portability. They are usually lightweight and compatible with various devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. With a wireless keyboard, you can sit back on your couch or bed and type away, without being tied down by cords or wires.

But, are they better for data entry? In terms of speed and accuracy, using a wireless keyboard for data entry is found to be relatively faster and more efficient than using a numeric keypad. According to a study by Vodafone, wireless keyboards can increase typing speed by up to 34%, while a study by Microsoft found that wireless keyboards can reduce typing errors by up to 20%.

However, when it comes to comfort, wireless keyboards may not provide the same level of comfort as a dedicated numeric keypad. The keys on wireless keyboards are usually positioned closer together, which can cause some strain on the hands and fingers, especially if you are typing for long periods.

Numeric Keypad

Numeric keypads are designed with a set of keys that are specifically meant for numeric entry. They are usually compact and can be attached to a keyboard or used separately on a desk. Numeric keypads are the preferred choice for data entry workers or anyone who frequently works with numbers.

When it comes to accuracy and speed, a numeric keypad is relatively slower than using a full keyboard. According to a study by Cornell University, users make more errors and type slower when using a numeric keypad as compared to a full keyboard.

But when it comes to comfort, numeric keypads are definitely a winner. The keys are spaced out evenly, which makes it easier to enter numbers accurately and with fewer mistakes. Besides, some numeric keypads are designed with ergonomic features, such as wrist rests, to make long hours of typing more comfortable.

Which is Better?

So which one is better for data entry? Well, it ultimately depends on individual preferences and requirements. A wireless keyboard may be an ideal choice if you are looking for convenience and speed, while a numeric keypad could be the right choice if you frequently work with numbers and need a more comfortable typing experience.

In conclusion, using wireless keyboards and numeric keypads have their respective benefits and drawbacks. It is imperative to understand your needs and choose the device that best suits them.


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